Monday 21 May 2012

New exciting projects!

It has been while since i have posted anything on my blog. I am currently in the process of developing a few projects with my very good friend Liam Birch who is a talented photographer and a fantastic writer! check out his website . The aim is to produce a few interactive books for the tablet market. With his talented writing and photography skills along with my illustrations and app development knowledge we will be collaborating for a some exciting projects. So definitly watch this space for further development!

One of the projects we are currently working on is a book called 'The Roomies'. Liam is currently in the process in writing the story and i am creating the characters illustrations to accompany his work. Below are a few sketches i have started. These are very early sketches of the characters called 'The Grubbs' and further development will be recorded on mine and Liam blogs ( in the future......

so watch this space!!

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